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Coke oven batteries are one of the backbones in blast furnace steel production – but also very complex, cost intensive, and prone to gas leakages and damage. Wouldn’t you want to tackle all those challenges at once? Then discover our COMPAC COKE refractory block: Their high-quality, thermal shock resistant material and simple design ease your repairs, while significantly reducing your costs, energy consumption and emissions.
Make coke oven repairs a breeze
Conventional installations are often equipped with hundreds of different refractory shapes that are prone to cracking under heat. One of our cutting-edge, thermal shock resistant silica COMPAC COKE BLOCKs replaces up to 40 conventional bricks. The result: shorter installation time with less manhours. Their smart design makes your through-wall and end-flue repairs a breeze.
Reduce your efforts & resources in all areas

of regular
installation time

of regular manpower
for installation

of regular
heat-up time
A new solution for an old technology
Conventional refractory design

- Very complex, labor intensive brick structure
- High costs for installation & maintenance
- Sensitive to damage through thermal and mechanical wear e.g. thermal shocks
- Thermal expansion over time
- Prone to gas leakages and pollution

- Fast heat-up due to low and predictable thermal expansion
- Lower costs through faster installation and coke output as well as significant gas savings
- Easy and fast handling, installation, and repairs through smart modular design
- Less emissions due to high gas tightness and efficiency
Key features
- High quality fused silica blocks with extraordinary creep strength
- High thermal shock resistance & dimensional stability with near zero expansion
- Smart, modular design with few joints – 1 block replaces up to 40 conventional bricks
- Highly efficient heat transfer through heating walls
- Fast lead-times
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